Thursday, August 16, 2012

Green Days Ahead

Dear Baby,

I look at the calendar on my iPeriod app every day. I take the time to track as much as I can. It has helped for sure. The calendar currently tells me "green days" are on the horizon.

What does that mean? Quite simply, peak ovulation time in my cycle. Well, my body for sure feels it this month. My boobs are heavy, swollen and flat out hurt. Don't know anything else that's causing it because we didn't do Clomid this month.

Daddy and I have both been doing everything we can to make ourselves better. Boxers, no hot showers before/after, vitamins, healthier eating, losing weight... Will they work?

Still waiting to hear from Dr. Boo. In the middle of the Depakote to Keppra transition. No adverse affects but definitely feeling side effects. Praying that when the full transition comes next week, it will be smooth.

Love Always,

Future Baby Mama

Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's Been a Week

Dear Baby,

It's been a week since we started adding in the Keppra to my daily cocktail of meds. Granted I've only taken a 1/2 pill in the AM and PM, I have noticed quite the mood swings with it. I do get agitated a bit more and I am hoping that with time of being on the B6 as well that this will phase off. I don't want to be the mean mama!

Today started of upping the dosage to a full pill in the AM and a full pill in the PM. One more week and we are taking out the Depakote ER completely. A bit apprehensive about this still and unsure what the affects will be. I do know that it's the best thing for you and in the end that is most important.

Daddy and I talk about you a lot more these days. You are there in our eyes even though we never know when it will happen.

We love you!


Future Baby Mama

Friday, August 3, 2012

Doctor, Panera & more...

Dear Baby,

Just got out of the neurologist's office. We have decided to progressively switch my Depakote ER (1000mg) to Keppra (1000mg). It's definitely a gamble and I hope and pray it works well for all of us. We both have reservations but know that with every choice we make there are pros and cons.

Daddy and I stopped at Panera afterwards. Totally loved the French Toast bagel... Yummy!

Cycle finally showed up and ready to see where this next round takes us. Ready to see Dr. Boo again and get this party started!


Future Baby Mama

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

One Month In

Dear Baby,

As of today, I am officially one month in on the taking of Phentermine to help kick-start my weight loss so that I can be a healthier mama. Now, I know of the effects that it can have on a baby but they are VERY low and I don't plan on taking this past the prescribed amount of time by Dr. Mc {my physician}.

As of this weeks weigh in, I have lost a total of 9.7 lbs this month. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I am back over the amount that I was at just a year ago.

At the end of the school year, I set a goal to work on losing 15 lbs before we started back to school on August 27th. At this point, I still have almost  weeks to lose another 5.3 lbs. At this point, I totally think that I can do this because of the success I have seen so far.

I have been using Phentermine as well as eating a healthy diet. Phentermine has given me super amounts of energy but I am also experiencing the down side of not wanting to sleep at night despite taking it first thing in the morning with breakfast. At the weight I am now, I am right around 1800 calories a day according to My Fitness Pal.

I will be honest, there are days I just don't want to eat. I don't feel like anything tastes good, I don't crave things, I don't have the urge to satisfy my hunger. Then there are times that my stomach gets to the point that if I don't eat right then, it might be the end of the world as we know it. I feel full at every meal and know how much my body can handle. I can tell things are changing and it's all for the better.

All of this is done out of my love and desire to have happy, healthy baby to bring into our family.


Future Baby Mama