Monday, September 10, 2012

Two Months In...

Dear Baby,

I've now been on Phentermine for two months. I started this process with nearly 20 extra pounds on my body!

You read that right, as of today I have lost 19.6 lbs in two months. I couldn't be happier. I'm more active than I have been in ages and my clothes are falling off of me despite just buying them a few months back.

Got news from Dr. Boo that daddy will be retested in a month or so. Depending on the results of that test will tell us if IUI will work for us. The expense of IVF isn't in the cards right now so all hope and prayers go out.

We love you so much!


Future Baby Mama

The Waiting Game

Dear Baby,

It's been awhile since I've had anything to add to this story. I still don't have much.

I have now fully been off Depakote ER for 10 days. I'm taking the Keppra religiously in the morning an night. Moved the Celexa to take one in the morning and one at night to not have to taper off affect mid-afternoon. Things are working well with me.

Weight is down but haven't had a chance to weigh in for the last two weeks. Hope to find a way this week so I can see what month 2 on Phentermine has produced.

Haven't heard anything from Dr. Boo on next steps. Haven't called yet but might this week.

Have an EEG coming up in October to look forward to.

I look at photos of new babies online from friends and despite being happy for them, I still want to hold you one day and know that you are mine.


Future Baby Mama