Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back and Forth, Back and Forth

Dear Baby,

This Friday we have an appointment with the neurologist per Dr. Boo's request. He wants us to check and see if there is a way to come off the pretty blue-gray pills I take for my Epilepsy and to get on something that would be less harmful to you in the long run. I'm guessing they will also probably add in a prescription of Folic Acid as well to help with the negative effects.

I'm having a hard time with how to go with this one. I wan you to be as healthy as you are able to be. I want you to live the life you are supposed to live. I want you to be free of pain. But on the other hand, I want to stay free of seizures on my end. I have been on these pills or 20 years now. They are my lifeline in some ways.

What's best for both of us? I don't know. Only the doctors can educate and help use decide.

Love Always,

Future Baby Mama

P.S.After writing today's entry, I went off on a Google hunt. Of course I found no other blogger who is/has taking/taken Depakote ER during pregnancy. While I was on that search, I did find this article straight from the source on Epilepsy. I'm thinking this might come with us to the doctor on Friday.


  1. Just wanted you to know you have my support. Hubs and I met many challenges building our family. It's worth the wait. Your tweet friend. Sandi

  2. Jen, I will be waiting to hear how your apt goes! HUGS!


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